2022 Instructors & Musicians

Our instructors and musicians are a big part of the enjoyment and success of our weekend. This year's weekend features these talented individuals:

Pádraig and Róisín, dance instructors

Pádraig and Róisín are among the most popular and sought-after Set Dance Masters on the Irish dance scene. They have been involved with CCE for many years and have featured in concerts and Ceili House recording since the first moving to Co. Louth when they got married in 1991. Pádraig hails from South Armagh, and Róisín from Dublin, but together they make their home in Annagassan and have been dancing together since they met in 1989. Indeed, it was through dancing that they first met, when mutual friends paired them together as the “perfect couple” on and off the dance floor.

Both of them studied Irish Dancing as children, but when they met legendary set dance Master Connie Ryan, they both were hooked on the Traditional Sets of Ireland. They were members of the Slievenamon Set Dancers who toured throughout the United States in 1988 and 1991. They have also performed at various functions and numerous television programs including the “Come Dance with me in Ireland” series of videos. They have produced two DVD/CD packages entitled “The Full Set” 1&2 with their group “Faoi Do Chois” (On your feet). They continue to teach weekly classes and workshops throughout Ireland and also have held master classes in the USA, UK, Italy, France, Dubai, Germany, Denmark, Canada, Corsica and many other locations around the World. During the Covid Pandemic Padraig continued to reach out and encourage dancers through his online “Steps for Sets” zoom classes. Róisín and Pádraig are delighted to be back teaching in person as Set Dancing is a distinctly social activity and is wonderful to be sharing the fun with dancers once again!

Together they composed the Merchant Set, dedicated to their long-time friend Ned O’Shea, owner of the Merchant Pub in Dublin, where they taught classes for many years. The Merchant Set was recently voted the most popular set in an online poll. They also composed the CroisLoch Set dedicated to Pádraig’s parents from Crossmaglen and Camlough in Co. Armagh. Pádraig’s mother, born in 1933, still dances regularly. Pádraig and Róisín are known for their fancy footwork and attention to detail in maintaining the special features of each individual set. They cater for dancers of all ages and abilities in a relaxed and friendly manner.

The musicians: Rambling House, enhancing the dancing

Rambling House are local to the DC area and have played at the 2013 CCE North American Convention, for our Spring Fling weekends, and for many GWCC ceilis over the years. Local favorites, they are named after the Irish tradition of the moving house party and play energetic Irish traditional music for ceilis and contradances.

Tina Eck, Jesse Winch, Joe DeZarn, Marc Glickman, and Patrick Winch are genuine pillars of the greater Washington, DC Irish music and dance community. Their company and their music is actively sought after everywhere excellent traditional tunes, humor, and generosity are appreciated. Collectively, they can boast of nearly 250 years worth of playing for ceili dancing. Jesse Winch’s bodhran playing has inspired hundreds of drummers over the years, which revived the global trade in goat skins and sticks. There is photographic evidence that Jesse learned how to drive dance music during his teenage years, in the Bronx, playing ceili drums along with his father and neighbors. They took turns. Tina Eck is a treasured resource, remarkable for her deep and wide repertoire and knowledge of Irish traditional music. She is devoted to encouraging new players, young and otherwise. Her flute and whistle performances and recordings with both Rambling House and Lilt, her duo with Keith Carr, have delighted uncounted listeners and dancers. Joe DeZarn - what can be said about him that hasn't already been said? Whatever you are going to say, speak up. Don't mumble. He's getting a little hard of hearing. Joe's perspective on the fiddle, and on Irish traditional music, is in the context of enhancing the dancing. His decades of playing for social dances and for step dancing at feiseanna are evident in the rock solid rhythm of his music. He is sought after for fiddle instruction and for sessions, as well. Marc Glickman is a virtuoso piano player of all styles. You can frequently find him on the contradance scene, and he loves enlivening ceilis with his piano creativity. Marc is a luthier in Frederick, MD and provides expert repair, restoration and sales of string instruments. Patrick Winch, a chip off the old block, is a breakthrough ceili musician, contributing energy and rhythmic power to the dance band sound. Together, Rambling House delivers just what the doctor ordered: a terrific addition to a glorious weekend of tunes, dancing, and camaraderie.